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    1250 Bus Expander

    Bus Expander zum Anschluss von Signalgebern an den Kommunikationsbus der Gaswarnzentrale

    The 1250 Bus Expander is used to control warning signs and sirens via bus communication. This simplifies wiring as only one cable needs to be routed for the bus to ensure communication with all gas sensors and signaling devices.

    The bus topology is particularly suitable for longer distances and in systems such as laboratories or production facilities, where there is frequent relocation and expansion.

    The bus expander is operated on the 24 VDC bus and has 4 outputs of 24V, 500 mA each. This means that up to 4 alarm zones can be controlled by the gas control panel.

    Verkabelung Warnsignale Gas ohne Bus Expander
    Wiring without bus expander
    Verkabelung Warnsignale Gas mit Bus Expander
    Wiring with bus expander

    For cable specifications, please refer to the assembly instructions. The bus cable must be 4-wire and shielded, we recommend U72M 1x4x0.6mm. The cabling to the signal transmitters does not require any shielding.

    Gasalarm Signalgeber Bus Expander offen
    Bus expander with open housing and terminals for 4 outputs
    Bus communication
    between components
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