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  • Eine Gaswarnanlage besteht aus einer Gaswarnzentrale, Gassensoren und Signalgebern. Die Anzahl und Positionen der Sensoren wird auf die Anwendung angepasst. Für den mobilen Einsatz gibt es tragbare Gas Handmessgeräte.  Gaswarnanlagen werden überall dort eingesetzt, wo eine Gefahr für Menschen, Tiere oder Infrastruktur besteht. Wir überwachen alle explosiven (brennbaren) Gase sowie alle toxischen (giftigen) Gase und Dämpfe. Suchen Sie eine Gasüberwachung für ein nicht aufgeführtes Gas? Zögern Sie nicht uns zu kontaktieren. Bei uns finden Sie für jede Anwendung die passende Gaswarnanlage.
    Funktion Gaswarnanlagen

    Guidelines Ventilation for Underground Parking

    The Swiss Association of Building Technology Engineers SWKI has issued guidelines for parking ventilation systems.

    SWKI VA103-01: Guideline ventilation systems for car parks (CO/NO2 monitoring)

    The number of cars is steadily increasing worldwide. This also results in more and more requirements in the field of gas monitoring in underground car parks. When planning a CO/NO2 exhaust gas monitoring in an underground car park, the following points should be considered.

    Exhaust gases

    • In an underground car park, CO (emissions from gasoline vehicles) and NO2 (emissions from diesel vehicles) must be detected by a gas warning system.
    • When charging electric vehicles with batteries that contain an aqueous electrolyte, the use of a gas warning system for hydrogen H2 and oxygen O2 should be provided.

    Number of gas sensors

    • In a car park, at least two CO/NO2 gas sensors should always be used per floor or room.
    • At least one CO/NO2 gas sensor must be planned for every 400m2 and 20 parking spaces.

    Installation of gas sensors

    • The CO/NO2 gas sensors should be mounted at a height of 1.5 m.

    Exhaust gas alarm

    • In an underground car park, one flashing warning light is to be installed for every 500 m2 with an acoustic and visual alarm and the clear instruction to leave the garage.

    Servicing the gas warning system

    • CO/NO2 gas warning systems must be put into operation by the installation company.
    • The gas measuring cells in the CO/NO2 sensors are wearing parts and must be replaced periodically.
    • A CO/NO2 gas warning system must be checked and calibrated by the installer at least once a year.

    More information

    For more information, please contact the association and order their documentation:

    Ventilation requirements
    for enclosed parking
    Occupational Health
    Reference values for Switzerland
    Get expert advice
    SES Guidelines
    SES website (German)

    SWKI Guidelines
    SWKI website (German)

    SUVA reference values
    SUVA website (German)