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    AquaSens Flow Fitting

    AquaSens Messarmatur für Wassermessung von pH-Wert und Chlorgehalt, unter Druck oder freier Durchlauf
    AquaSens fitting for disinfection measuring cells such as chlorine, chlorine dioxide, ozone, bromine and pH.

    In water treatment plants, drinking water supplies, swimming pools and waste water systems as well as various industrial applications, an accurate and stable disinfection measurement and the corresponding dosing is of the utmost importance.

    Our AquaSens measuring system ensures reliable and precise dosing. The flow fitting is already prepared to accommodate a pH electrode, a temperature sensor and a flow monitor, so that the measuring arrangement can be expanded with the simplest of means.

    The flow fitting does not require any electronics at all and is therefore fail-safe. The signal is only processed further in the Water Control Panel.

    The basic concept of the measurement consists of a 2-electrode cell, a working (Pt) and a counter-electrode (Cu). This continuous potentiostatic measurement does not require a diffusion membrane, which significantly increases the response sensitivity. The special flow fitting ensures a constant flow of sample water and guarantees easy cleaning of the copper electrode without mechanical devices. Together, the measuring cell and flow fitting form a compact measuring device.

    The AquaSens fitting and  the associated AquaSens chlorine measuring cell and the Water Control Panels are Swiss products manufactured by Müller-Elektronik AG. They are perfectly tailored to the needs of water quality control.

    Technical Specifications

    ApplicationDrinking water, cooling water, bathing water (swimming pool), waste water (sewage treatment plants)
    Measuring water flowapprox. 32 l/h
    Measuring water pressurewithout pressure with open outlet, or under pressure up to 1.5 bar
    Flow controlautomatic, hydraulic
    Material specificationsMeasuring housing Plexiglas, weight 1kg, dimensions 360 x 150 x 105mm
    System components– Flow fitting with integrated flow control
    – AquaSens chlorine measuring cell
    – pH electrode
    – Redox electrode
    – Temperature sensor Pt100
    – Flow monitoring


    Article CodeDescription
    MEAS-MZ18AquaSens Sensor Chlorine
    MEAS-MZE18AquaSens Sensor Chlorine (in exchange)
    MEAS-CS01Cleaning sand
    MEAS-FLOCO18Flow Control + swimmer
    MEAS-FLOCO88Flow Control + swimmer
    MEAS-TU5.6Flow switch turbine
    MEAS-ADJSet of adjusting screws
    Water Control Panels
    for signal processing
    Water Sensors
    fitting with AquaSens
    Swiss Quality Product
    Article codes
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