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  • Das Gas-Handmessgerät Crowcon Tetra 4 eignet sich besonders für Kanal- und Tunnelarbeiten.
    Bei Untertagarbeiten in Kanälen, Schächten, Stollen und Tunnels kann Personal gefährdet sein durch Schwefelwasserstoff, Sauerstoffmangel, Kohlenmonoxid und Brennbare Gase. Portable Handmessgeräte oder stationäre Gaswarnanlagen warnen vor Gefahr und schützen Leben.
    Gas-Handmessgerät Crowcon T4
    Sicherheit bei Kanal- und Tunnelarbeiten
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    Servicing Portable Gas Detectors

    Jährliche Wartung Gas-Handmessgeräte Crowcon

    Gas detectors require annual maintenance by qualified personnel. In the process, the sensors are recalibrated, because the measuring cells become weak due to their period of use and exposure to the room climate and gases. During maintenance, measuring cells that are at the end of their service life are also replaced. This depends on the measurement method and medium, but is usually 2-3 years.

    We are happy to carry out the maintenance of your hand-held gas measuring devices. Please send the devices to our company location and enclose our return form.

    Portable Gas Detectors
    Overview Crowcon Products